
Target images – stones and boulders

Watercourse with a lot of boulders and stones.
Well anchored and grouped boulders. The boulders are also placed at different heights. The shoreline has a natural slope down to the watercourse.
Watercourse with a lot of stones, boulders, and freshly felled trees.
Stones and boulders have been placed at different depths and in various arrangements. Trees that grew on the clearing banks have been felled and placed in the watercourse.
Watercourse with a few larger boulders.
Partially unsuccessful restoration, where the natural width of the watercourse has not been restored. This is due to not returning all cleared material to the watercourse. The watercourse lacks its natural connection with the floodplain. Boulders and stones are not grouped but are placed in what may appear as straight lines.
Watercourse where almost no water is visible due to the amount of stones and boulders.
A less successful restoration where the natural width of the watercourse has not been restored. As a result, there are too many stones and boulders in the watercourse, and not all boulders have been grouped and anchored properly.