
Machine equipment and safety equipment

Before restoration work begins, a plan should be developed with the excavator operator outlining the actions to take in case of an emergency. As a supervisor, you should be familiar with how all equipment (aside from machine equipment) functions before work starts.

Ensure that the necessary machine and safety equipment for the task is available.

Examples of machine and safety equipment that should be present include:

  • Hearing protection with communication (Bluetooth or built-in communication radio)
  • Helmet
  • Wading rod
  • Polarized sunglasses
  • Mobile phone with reception
  • Emergency transmitter (if there is no mobile coverage)
  • First aid kit (should always be easily accessible)
  • Life jacket (in larger bodies of water)
  • Fire extinguisher (should be present on the machine)
  • Cleanup equipment suitable for environmentally hazardous fluids such as diesel and hydraulic oil (e.g., oil-absorbing booms and wipes)
  • Garbage bags
Fire extinguisher in en excavator
Fire extinguisher in en excavator